Interact Academy

AI: Where Human Ingenuity Meets Silicon Intelligence

Interact Academy Team curated top AI [stands for Artificial Intelligence] tools that turns imagination into innovation!

AI Tools for Web Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, AI tools have emerged as invaluable assets, revolutionizing the way websites are designed, built, and maintained.

open ai aka openai
codegpt ai assistant
duet ai web development assistant

AI Tools for Data Curation

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, AI tools have emerged as invaluable assets, revolutionizing the way websites are designed, built, and maintained.

open ai aka openai

AI Tool Users by 2024

Businesses Use AI for Big Data Analysis

People will Work in the AI Space by 2025

Selection of TOP AI Trainings

Half of success is knowing what to act on. Inside of Interact, you'll have access to the copy-paste learning opportunities so that you can reach the right place at the right time.

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